#chemTrails #climateEngineering #jamesMcCanney #plasmadischargecometmodel #HAARP

after @ 33:15

Solar Fusion and Climate Change

@ 47:00

The real issue — We’re burning up the oxygen on Earth at a tremendous rate.

We have about 1/2 the amount of oxygen on Earth now as we did 100 yrs ago.

We’re burning oxygen and it’s not coming back.

We can’t keep burning oil.

Oil is the biggie and coal.

The world energy consumption

Nuclear 1/3

Coal 1/3

Oil 1/3

Money rules the day.

The myth of alternative energy

These are useless white elephants

Global Warming – Politicians can kick it around, use it to control water, manipulated weather

Not your normal weather pattern for Spring, folks.

These are manipulated storm and climate systems

Time all of this to influence the public thought

The Sun’s fusion is up at the surface

How does the fusion of the Sun work up at the surface?

There’s not enough solar fusion fuel

The hydrogen, the helium, the deuterium

[The nucleus of deuterium, called a deuteron, contains one proton and one neutron, whereas the far more common hydrogen isotope, protium, has no neutron in the nucleus.]

The Sun has to have a constant influx of these burning materials, the fusion material

The Sun acts as a large comet in the galactic influence

The Sun is discharging the galactic capacitor

That causes an influx of the primary constituent in the universe, which is hydrogen.

That’s the fuel engine which keeps our Sun going.

How does Sun solar fusion work?

Also Planet Jupiter, Planet Saturn

fusion fires, basically electrical fires, caused by lightning bolts in the very turbulent, tumultuous solar atmosphere

caused by the pinch effect

the ability to create fusion has been known about for a long time


The goal is like cancer research, the goal is never to find a solution.

The only things that get funded are the projects that are guaranteed NOT to work.

How does fusion occur on the Sun?

As the lightning bolts twist and bend, very strong magnetic fields in the bends and twists

as the electric currents pull themselves together by something known as the pinch effect

self-induced magnetic field

pulls those currents together and the pressure is sufficient to kick off the fusion reaction up in the atmosphere, not in the core.

The core of the Sun is a solid planetary type of core.

The regeneration of fuel data

the hydrogen fuel that’s required for ongoing burning

And now this is variable

What is our climate really dependent on?

It’s dependent on the Sun on a minute-to-minute basis

The solar output is varying considerably.

[For those of us who know our Sun is being obscured by chemTrails, think about that for a second.]

We have been in a period for a number of thousands of years with a relatively stable situation with the Sun.

What can change that?

A large comet coming into the solar system, we’ve had many events of serious cold on this planet.

It was actually about 4,500 yrs ago when the mastodons went extinct on Earth.

Velikovsky was right, it was the Planet Venus coming through the solar system that caused that event.

Standard science is quibbling over whether it was a small comet or asteroid that exploded above the earth


it was due to the Earth simply jumping up and doing this all by itself

That’s the winning proposal that somehow Earth just did it all by itself

They will never touch the card that the Sun is variable

They rely on standard stories

The peer-reviewed standard scientific garbage

Neither story is correct

The issue of climate change – Basically, we are strapped to the Sun

Our climate is indelibly strapped to the Sun

As we spin into nighttime, we drop twenty degrees in temperature

We depend on that Sun to heat us back up the next day

The Sun is the main source of our energy, both electrical energy (EE) and the visible light gets down into the surface of the Earth

That’s the main source of climate.

The long-term climate stabilization of the Earth is dependent on that and nothing else.


[Note: I don't always agree with McCanney on his non-science pronouncements.]

See also:

Unlimited free electrical power from the ionosphere

In a section called “Nicola Tesla’s Tower…” on his very large home page, McCanney asserts:

“My theoretical work has rediscovered the principles of the Tesla tower and unlimited free electrical power from the ionosphere, as printed in my book Atlantis to Tesla.”

He asserts that,

“the military built such a tower last July (only a few short weeks after the release of my Atlantis to Tesla book on the July 7, 2003 Coast to Coast program) near Kanata* Canada; and when they tapped into the ionosphere (the idiots did not put any control electronics on their tower) the surge blew out the north east electric power grid corridor.”


[Do you still trust your government? Do you honestly believe private initiative is not being suppressed? "unlimited free electrical power" - Where's the profit in that? Blind faith in Republicans or Democrats, in the military, in Corporate America has only left us subservient and blind. Do you think they care one whit about you because they give you civil rights, marriage rights, voting rights? Your freedom is limited. There's a glass ceiling you'd better not dare try to shatter.]

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