There are no purely good guys in the Palestine-Israel conflict. Palestinians are oppressed by the occupying forces of Israel and Hamas is relentless in their attacks on Israel, launching more than 2000 rockets at Israeli metropolitan centers. The fact that Hamas has not been successful in killing thousands of Israelis does not negate that that is there expressed intention. Israel's Iron Dome has effectively deflected all but one rocket - but their capabilities are finite. The iron dome will likely ultimate fail at some point. Although I am usually sympathetic to the Palestinians in these conflicts, I cannot be this time. Hamas is out of their mind,and Israel is fighting to defend her people from atrocities. Although more Palestinians are dying than Israelis, that is not for lack of trying. Hamas is pledged to the complete annihilation of Israel, and willing to sacrifice the lives of as many innocent Palestinians as it takes to achieve that goal.

Grant Devereux

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