
SlowWolf · @slowwolf

24th Jul 2014 from TwitLonger

My net is awful lately and I don't know why. It shouldn't be this bad, and yet... I can barely play nauts. which led to a really frustrating match, where my teammate called me a douche for trying to play despite my connection issues.

I'm frustrated. I want to make Nauts content. I want to work with the devs. I want to do stuff for the community to laugh at and appreciate.

I love making videos of Nauts. But right now, it's so hard to do without ripping my hair out. Between real life metaphorically kicking me in the teeth on a regular basis, and these internet issues, I can barely do anything with my channel. What I can do is barely watched.

That anyone is watching is something I should be grateful for, and I have to right to demand that my subs watch everything I make. That's entitled and childish. It's just sad that I can't do anything more, and it's not enough for everyone.

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