
Chandran K C · @similimum

11th Aug 2014 from TwitLonger

What is homeopathy, and what is not homeopathy

Homeopathy should be fundamentally differentiated from other medical systems not by the way you select the drug, but on the basis of what are the ACTIVE PRINCIPLES of medicinal agents used, and the BIOLOGICAL MECHANISM by which they produce a therapeutic effect. If you are using drugs potentized above 12C or avogadro limit, their 'active principles' will be MOLECULAR IMPRINTS, which can act only by a 'homeopathic' biological mechanism, by what ever way you select the drug.

Isopathy, Tautopathy, Nosodes- all are homeopathy, if you are using drugs potentized above 12C or avogadro limit. Their 'active principles' are similar (molecular imprints), and they act by same biological mechanism (as artificial binding sites for pathogenic molecules). Only difference is HOW you select the drug. According to me, all these- including homeopathy- are MOLECULAR IMPRINTS THERAPEUTICS.

Same way, if you are using drugs in crude forms or potencies below avogadro limit, their active principles will be DRUG MOLECULES, and it will not be homeopathy even if you select the drug by the principle of 'similia similibus curentur'. MOLECULAR forms of drugs cannot act 'homeopathically', but only by an 'allopathic' biological mechanism.

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