
Dial Dancer · @Dial_Dancer

13th Aug 2014 from TwitLonger

Now is the time for all to come to the aid of their "Country"

(Excerpt from Peter Mills’ latest article: Perspective: An Article on the Latest Allegations Against Michael Jackson

"The allegations of anal rape have been chosen specifically to leave an indelible smear on the psyche of those that hear them. After such accusations, the most we fans can do in the short-term is mere damage control."

Looking at the facts of what has and is being done does not mean we believe what is said or we give up. It is so we can understand what awaits MJ Fans when trying to deal with groups of people who once again is left with a most foul imagery when thinking of MJ. If you do not know by now you should. Sexual assault male on male is considered far worse than male on female socially, culturally and psychologically. Discussions of the unfairness of that is for another time

Each person or group will decide the best way to do this "damage control". I think sharing the positive statements from credible persons, the logical statements of rebuttal that challenges the rationality and believability of the stories is the best we can do for one another and Michael. Try to insure we are not at a disadvantage in discussions. (Not arguments or attempts to force knowledge)

Now for the plug. There may be no miraculous revelations in the near future which disprove these allegations; however, there may be something which might help to that end. If these men and their co-conspirators are made to go before a jury one which will require evidence not just words and are found guilty of slander it can help. To do that there MUST be a law against slandering the dead. Because there is no such law then the group AdLLaw needs your help.

Sign the Petition:

Contact and share it with US Senators and the President ask them to endorse the Imitative.


Contact and share with friends and family ask them to do the same.

We call ourselves, the MJ Community, the MJ Nation, MJ Fam and MJ's Country.
What's that paraphrased quote? "Now is the time for all good men & women to come to the aid of their Country."

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