Hey #GamerGate friends, can we chat for a minute?

Well, we must be doing something right. Trolls and jerks are coming in from all sides.

In the past two days, I have personally seen three GamerGate supporters doxxed. One was threatened on Twitter with her personal info given out. Another was an amusing troll tactic but meant to intimidate. Something else I've seen are trolls using the hashtag. This is not a new tactic but it's ramping up.

I don't know how you guys feel, but I feel like neutral is OK. Neutral voices can do a lot for #GamerGate. I've gotten to know one lady who supports GG but is very neutral leaning. Everything she's done and said was an attempt to help, but people got angry with her, attacked her and they are driving her away. That makes me sad because she's really nice and she means well. I watched a totally neutral guy get run down, attacked and chased away. He went from neutral to "screw GamerGate" in about 20 minutes. I think if we go extreme, we are no better than the stuff we're fighting against.

Please, I know emotions are high. I know a large number of GamerGate supporters are angry over losing their home online. I would be angry too. You have every right to be angry. I know others are angry because things aren't moving fast enough for them. It takes time. This is not a sprint. It's a marathon. We are in this for the long haul. Please, let's not push people away before we give them a chance to talk.

I can't tell you what to do. I am just asking you to think about channeling your anger into other things. @Jayd3fox puts out a daily "boycott" target. It's a sponsor that we can all email that day. Multiple places have other sponsor lists. If you haven't heard from them in a week, send them a polite letter asking if they received your letter and repeat the reason why you are emailing them. People *are* hearing back from advertisers. It is encouraging! FOUR advertisers have pulled out already.

Channel that anger and speak with your wallet. Support the new websites we found. Tell everyone you know to support those sites. Call out harassment and bullying. Call it out quickly and in a public way. Don't attack. Ask them to stop. If they don't stop, kindly block/mute and move on.

Take breaks. Play video games.Watch this video. I think it's very good. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2cdWB7NngzA&feature=youtu.be

Of course, I can't dictate what anyone does or how anyone thinks. These are just my feelings on the situation at hand. I hope you consider it.

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