save Rohingya from State's preplanned genocide

#Save #Rohingya from #State's preplanned #genocidal operations and blockage
Rohingya of Arakan under genocidal blockage have been suffering from severely persecution of Burmese generals and their hired gangs Rakhine extremists. Rohingya have been pleasing the World to save them from persecution since 1978. UN and other international communities issued many statements against Burma but no one on Earth could solve Rohingya issue, why? Burmese generals in civilian dress increased persecution 100 times more than dictatorship in the name of democracy reform. Situations of Rohingya become bad to worse day by day; Rohingya have only two options, die in dire condition and persecution or die in the sea.
Real life is only possible through knowledge, those who have neglected learning and teaching are considered to be "dead," even when they are biologically alive. Burmese generals made bias educational system, built Buddhist worship house in every school, discrimate other religions, that produces blind and dead students. We were created to learn and to communicate what we have learned to others. We all were born free but our teachers and environment make us slave of rituals and restrict our mind not to think freely as directed by the State. I think Burmese generals memorized Marx' s saying "religion is opium for the mass" and have been using Buddhism very effectively.
All of us are travelers, and the world is a multicolored exhibition and a rich and colorful book , the Universe. We were sent to study this Universe, to increase knowledge including our spiritual knowledge, and to uplift others. Burmese generals have been using the terms "guest" and "host"; Buddhists are host and non-Buddhists are guests. Sitagu Sayadaw, generals' 969 leader, expressed Muslims as guests several time to increase violence without respecting Sirdhata Gautama's saying; "we all human being are travellers and guests here in this World",
Maturity and perfection of spirit mean that you should be just in your treatment of others, especially those who have done you an injustice. Return their bad action with goodness. According to saying of Moses, Jesus, Gautama, and Muhammad we should not cease doing good even to those who have harmed to us. Rather, treat them with kindness and nobility, for harming someone is cruel. Repaying evil with evil implies a deficiency in character; the opposite is nobility. 969 Buddhist monks led by Sitagu Sayadaw and Wirarhu have been spreading hatred and violence under the slogan of "Protect the nation and religion".In reality, they are protecting China's influence in Burma. Rohingya minority who have been genocidal blockage, never be a threat for national security. Why are the generals media propaganding the term Rohingya as a threat for national security? Generals think that they can ignore roghts of Rohingya beacuse they are the weakest; every ethic in Burma has armed force except Rohingya, generals care so-called Wa ethic becuase they are the strongest backed by China.
As Burmese generals follow China, US, UN, OIC and the World community should urge China to persuade Burmese generals to stop their genocidal plans against Rohingya immediately and restore all rights of Rohingya.

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