Adrian, The Bad Rebel

Adrian is the son of a Rebel pilot that was in the battle of Endor. He was born a rebel, but was taken by mercenaries as a child. He was raised to be a mercenary and became a very successful pilot. He helped with heists to steal secrets at the age of 15. On a mission he fought a man with a lightsaber. He lost and was about to be killed, but a group of Rebels, led by Han Solo, saved him. He was taken to the rebel base and was given a spot as a pilot in the rebel alliance. He worked his way up in rank and became the leader of his own squadron, squadron Z. He got his nickname Z and was mentored by Han Solo himself. He has been part of the rebel alliance since and works to destroy the remainder of the Empire.

He has no 'special power' or anything that makes him special. He is just a very good pilot. He is good at making friends and better at making enemies. He is quick witted and sarcastic. He is also very playful and can be flirty at times. (That is when the writer get embarrassed to be writing him) He loves flying more than anything else and is also a professional pod-racer. He loves seeing people smile and doesn't usually turn down a kiss (You heard that right ladies) But don't underestimate what he can do, or you won't live to underestimate again. He is strong willed, a good technician and a good strategist, but he is sometimes in it for his own cause.

Basic info:

Name: Adrian Teldur
Gender: Male
Hair: Black, short, kind of spikey, and messy
Eyes: Blue and green
Teeth: Shiny as hell
Abilities: Great hand to hand fighter, master of most ranged weapons and some melee, slightly acrobatic, fast for a human, strong as well.
Gear: Carries a Blaster pistol everywhere he goes, along with his high power blaster rifle and his red lightsaber, has a Jetpack and high ranking Rebel armor with good protection, lots of thermal detonators and more things I don't need to list
Weaknesses: Hates rain, easily angered and sometimes fights dirty which isn't always a good thing.

*I am always open to RP. I will put #openRP on any tweets that anyone can join :)*

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