
Ferdie · @ferdiewerdie

24th Feb 2015 from TwitLonger

I cannot remember what the club used to be called. It is a #NewOrleans #7thWard icon. It is big, a million-and-one tables, huge dance floor, big bar; directly across the street from #OurLadyOfTtheSacredHeart Church which is the grammar school that I attended & graduated from. It is now a reception hall. Vaucresson's is down the street; I think that you own/owned the store on the corner by #Vaucressons; the #AutocratCLub is on the corner in the same block. As an adult, I used to stop there for a nightcap after leaving the AUTOCRAT CLUB. It is cater-cornered from the #CircleFoodStore, for Gods's sake; and I still cannot remember the name. I grew up a few blocks down at the exact same corner on #SaintAnthonyStreet.

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