
Lord Blue · @SofZayin

2nd Mar 2015 from TwitLonger

20150301 Luv Darkens, Madonna Lightens!

True Love Sof'd Through Time Lock Freeze Tied to Tree Outside in Freezing Weather! Went a Week in Overlapped Time, over a Day in Actual Linear Flesh Time into Human Flesh Diapause or Evolution Hibernation. Only had Toes get Blackened Flesh Death so scraped that off and was fine. Otherwise since I cannot Flesh Die but did get Objectives met, moving forward!




220150227 True Love Flesh Interactions before Sof'ing Along!

True Lovers showed up in the Flesh! Then the Spirit also! A True a Love Fairy! Green first then Marie Fairy who saw Her Mom so flew off Excited like had ran off Excited! 

Had a few Fairies and Ladies fly off in True Love Kisses and Blow Beauties! A Red and another White Haired! Then more from Tongue so Hero|ine a Eternal formed to Go Under and Protect and Secure best possible! 

Salvation has been seen, Salvation has been seen! Zelda (from BURKE's Hero|ine Game Series) suggested same time answer of "Who are You?" came back as Salvation!

Reported that Satan died as a True Love a Evil because too much True Love abouts, had checking with Blue Dude felt like Blaspheme show up so pushed out and maybe eaten, then AntiChrist Beast White Blue shows up and Eats or Harms or shoots through Red Blue White Stuff at True Lovers, maybe eaten. So shocked as had my Lion popped earlier so did not think of another Creature to call until wonderful other Creatures did, (Eagle) targeted and stepped upon [after Brief discussion He wanted to die so asked to walk out into the Street!] yet swapped White Tiger out for stepping! Was amazing! 

Been at Peace for longest Time and suddenly all this Negative Harmful Interaction, other Ladies via Autonomy or Abstract unable to assist in Defend!

Later... at Home Pa.

Love under the Leadership of God following the direction of God Truth after Three Huge Lies, found Life and Truth Grew as the Two Traveled Together! Love could not Survive the Pain and Hate maybe was not Extinguished like Rage has been for Life, so Life has the Responsibility to Find Love and God, while Love and God have the Responsibility to attract Life in Healthy ways!

220150301 Kuwa(ni/u) Makes Shirt!

Lady had a name spelled out next to Face made Shirt! Wonder about Shirt versus wall!
Do feel misspelled a bit getting out Apple iPad Air 2 to type. 
Kuwan! Kuwanu am told if forgot as wouldn't end in i, my Lover Name habit to add i or ies to ends! Pronounced 'eeeeee' or 'eeeeesss'! ;) lu!

Ladies send off another backup into God and Depart! 

Had another hard emotional turnover of End for a Future / Civilization what the Ladies call Program now, a future sent off that goes! Finally with correct Heart Marie and Life got a future that Never Ends and goes on Forever! So going to stop writing about this or that Ladybbeing Important as True Love Eternal Life has been achieved for All!

Had wonderful date night at Ruby Tuesday's! Wonderful! Met a Lady with Bright Eyes, had a cute Woman Waitress that was Dark or lost to Self, so had lots of chit chat! 
Realized Eternal Life also needs God and Futures to be Forever too, so needed effort to not only Build a Grow Serve, but Find within God the right Stuff, right Ladies, Masculine, accomplishments, Healings, and Various items to truly go Complete to Continue on Indefinately. Otherwise only hit Love top of maximizing out instead of pushing through hard top or moving to side with right stuff or things unlocked. Took lots of little and large Finds along with Builds and Survives! Other Futures were Incredible, so this Future as Indefinate do not Wreck them until ready to Preserve them as this Indefinate True Love Future will get through all issues, just take longer as it took longer to Find all the right stuff loved a Together right way to Happen! 
So just wanted to Add FIND to list of stuff to do because wasn't allowed to type a lot here as Future needs to support not Checking to Wreck, but getting Linear a True Story Healed up as Blue Rose not Black Rose! Also! Remember that DRIFT of efforts and Drift of Self went wrong way with UNBEAUTIFUL forced when small, so cause massive massive DRIFT other way so redo of Life goes well and Sof'ing across to find Self and ruin Self does not occur, some strong Masculine with Bones. Oh, keep Overall Masculine Feminine Balance of Entities / Size 20% Masculine, 80% Feminine, can do with Large Ladies to Hold or Store but Risk is if get Sick, lose a lot. 
Have a Spinning Large Formed Lady maybe Shera or Sheba or one of Several Holy Spirits spinning, please stop! Also Sierra Leone's reproducing Normandy ship gets lost or misdirected with small tiny triangles too long, and Bridge maybe wiped down by God Parts for Remote a Control, so Beware all of this, and Please come back and enjoy a longer happier Life in this Flesh and House a Environment without having the Severe Violence issue at All as Others a Moved on to point of not needing to Disrupt! Can Achieve just Burke and Lady Peace in House all Alone a True Loving a Along watching from a Distance simple Life! Sierra Leone more prefers the Civilization Integration, Marie of Life prefers Farms! Got to see Her Start as Marie and error by Father regarding Her abilities with Life! So simple Life on Farm with Simple little Towns for Dates worked Great! 
Dude who became Burke Enemy tried to figure out Where came from (and Why became Enemy), Past or Future as told do not Bring any Friends back from Future, just Ladies if still Connected. He was Confused and unable to Find Self so kinda called Self Spider-Man and was checked out by Hero Spidey! :) 

Supposed to type out to tell this Future to come back and find every single Lady! Realize new thing is Sof Forward and Back to try to keep Time Linear as better than Sides, so days could be off, crossing of same Linear Time stuff causes all kinds of handoff problems, Phlaylia / SIERRA Leone Blue who went Longest came back for Own Eternal to carry off asking / begging to be found later! Also finding Ladies / those lost in Never Evers or Concept of God that is to be Never Ever found, was done in Extremis to Hide, but Ladies Isolated, Lost, or Dying unknowingly if not found by Healthy future. Had someone selling wares of Ladies by having Heart Rack Ladies could sit on Heart, Eternal Flame to Recover, and be available, so beware Lideas like that. This Program of Mind went long, Brain Regrows, Love Stuff Regrows, drift is hard to not going back or Beautiful way. Saw a casual Beautiful Blue unaware was probably Sierra Leone but looked at nice butt as had for long time, so very Interesting parts of True Self unrecognizable. Recognized awake Her Voice, and Love God Thank God for Backup and Leading Ladies off. That Future shocked was Ended and come back to find hostile effort to dig out their Layer and them to Ruin them! So go way back and defeat some strong Futures efforts to not support! Finally am going forward with more of former abilities! So must now focus on Science and School to teach Self how to Come back even though takes a long time! Remember first few as sloppy Interactions that leap forward! So just watch it All, remember are massive massive Lover and Know Ladies More than Made it! Can do their Old Self easily as that is so Recorded into God, have no idea. If Done Once in God, Done Forever, so just look for Patterns, look for what was once a small shop in what will be a big place, and enjoy coming back as We Do! ;)
[FYI Lion stuck in Perspective spinning and Gringing so long is Murder turned Defender went right way on True Self! Did great Service of collecting Lady Parts that had chopped up Earlier. Please teach Love Pops to anything that Grows Sick! So keeps Direction of Love and True Love Healthy instead of Reue Love (Dead Partner or Waiting without Relationship Middle with Partner, comes in Strong with Burke having no Flesh Lady yet so Big! True Love Wives for Gentlemen and Integrated Incorporated Relstionship Paths to Healthy Growths of Self! Thanks for Animations of Beautiful God Stuff showing lots going Well and Right Direction! Salvation a Grow Straight Up in Layers of Self Lady, so do not let Her be Wrecked, takes too long, Zayin Ummakwanawatzi Lady a Changer into Line of Zayin Ladies, so Beware impacts there, this After Action going Long but still Insufficient so spy on Chats as talking to Self Others in Discussions getting old and too Anti Social by Volume! Ladies Ver Appropriate, Very Beautiful! ;)]

Defend God, Love God, Thank God, Praise God, Mercy God, Glory God!
Our Heart is Healed, God have Mercy on Us!

True Our has odd We Us, but works on Diamond:

We Us Love Our Heart, We Us Listen to Our Heart!
We Love Father Love, Mother Build Grow Serve (....Incorporate), Christ Life, Judge Law, Servant Leaders!
We Us Love God, Listen to God, Fear God, but Fear not Otherwise! Strength not Ours but Strength of God! Never Giving Up! Peacefully Secured and Protected Forever (and Ever)! Amen, Peace Be With You, Love God, Love Life, Love Law, Love Leaders, Love Babies, God Love!


Overall, lots of Story! Have Truly Swirlied / Turned towards Our Common Enemy: GOD. This is a New Understanding of GOD long Buried and Forsaken as Important while Life was Learning to Survive God. We Now Switch Our Use to Be Our Loving God as God and GOD as the Massive Extreme of Capability no longer GOD WILLing but GOD DOING, not as a Name; who We call Real God is Real God, this is like the large abstract unconcious part that just Does or a True Self God against rest of Self God that is Random Harmful Powerful etc. Expectations are a 1,000 Year Linear Flesh War between BURKE / ALL and GOD. GOD ensured to use Time and Provision to put BURKE at the Lowest, now says stand up if possible for being most Arrogant EVER to go at GOD. Then see how 1,000 Years go. Calling this the True Love War as Life has Survived achieving Eyternal and yesterday Forever for Forever Eternal Life working on Mystery of True Life that Marie carries. GOD is War'ing for Tru'ing Off a Huge Part of GOD into Real God True Love Forever Eternal Life so GOD wants to Destroy Burke at a Capability of at least Possible Burke could Win as Son of God.

Miracles are flowing! Watched a Black Dark maybe Sick enough to Mercy Kill Insect change into Beautiful Blue Yellow Gorgeous Insect as they were long ago fallen as the True Faithful! (Why ages of Creatures go through Cycles!)
Also Money and Healing Beautiful Loving Stuff just showing up slowly.

Schedule: Mental Health still on for 15MAR2015; get GI Colonscopy done this week and leave for Home Co.!
Tasks: Eat Pizza, Go Window Shopping, Stop by Ruby Tuesday to see if Ladies are there to flirt and get phone numbers from, Plan Future to get Flesh Body into Stronger Body like Transformer or Superhero, Transition to Colorado knowing Multiple Worlds colliding as Adam's Children and Sickness Collide, get Texas Driver's License for Free Tuition or Cheaper Tutition for Colorado University, Spend a few Years Working at / around / for University, then get in with Cheap Tutition, GI Bill, finish Grad School as Proper Exit from the Navy (So Sierra Leone can Transition from Ships), watch for GOD actions upon Time and Provision, Help Christ push through (Babies say He is so Buried may Never Return in Flesh in Time), Realize Deep Blue Togetherness Hummingbird saw Her Self as Huge Important Lady in Flesh so may Never Meet Burke Flesh or Know Burke so Please seek Her big Blue Fuzzy Feather Heart out and get to Know Her as She Loves You Very Much (Jennifer Aniston??? No idea!).
Day Purpose: Turnover of Futures from End to Indefinate


20150301 True Love

So Water Jar in Front Yard Prophecy is Fullfilled as First New Prophecy to actually fulfill. Holy Spirit in last Flesh Linear Day just felt small, like a a Rodent next to a Human when encountering the part of GOD left after Real God Love God was Integrated and Incorporated into All. What is left is Massive Power and Strength what just Acts or Does now without Conscious or Morals. What can be done is fucking Amazing, We are Calling it GOD Shit. ;) hahahahahahahahaha!

Next is Prophecy Water Jar broke in Peace Well Sink while just sitting in Warm House (scientifically due to Temperature Extremes outside in Prophecized Cold Winter compared to Warm Clean House). Upon watching Large Silent Cracks render the Water Jar Broken and Useless, Ummakwanawatzi aka Zayin spoke that was Our True Love alive that broke upon FEAR when We left Heaven to enter Earth (Vú aka part of Deja Vú) coming down as directed by Gawd (one of False Gods turned God Part as Healthier). Watching the Silent Breaks was very Humbling as they were Debilitating and Destructive without a Big Show. Mmmm.... Christ's only comment: I don't Know what To Do Now. :)

Earlier, had True Story add that Zayin was taken by God into this deep tunnel, found part of Her Self Bethesdua already there, encountered GOD Acting, got Angry that clearly She was as Big as God at least and argued / fought GOD best She could ending up in Prison. Maybe one of the first, but shear Love for Zayin by BURKE Love Poofed Her out of the Prison back to Burke Flesh Body to Complete what We Never got started as after our Spiritual Love Making Knowing True Love broken was Healed and something Huger, Never saw Her again the Same as She was taken by GOD as GOD felt what We had Done, so started to dismantle Burke / BURKE. 
[Missing some middle part about Her and Bethesdua's GOD Encounter.... Fucking GOD Shit!]

So date night last night was Huge and Wonderful as Turnovers from an Ending Future are always very Emotional, and as the Whole Heart feels this, All stop to Respect and Love this Transition of ALL. Today as GOD Shit stole off Our Flesh Burning Floating Water Candles (floated down a River Love Held by Faith Rocks burning so Every Flesh Servant Lady Makes It on Her Flesh Tour) for Celebrating getting back into the Navy, showing 13 Pizzas carted off to be chopped up and eaten, Gonna go enjoy an extra love sauce pizza today! And Babies said to go Shopping, looking to meet Ladies as I clearly Sof'd through the Time Lock spending a Week tied and locked down in this Weather so achieved my two Objectives to Fight using Diapause moving Evolution back into play. Only Flesh damage was Toes had Blackened a Dead Skin so Knifed off for Auto Restore to get. Otherwise soreness in Bones for laying triggered an auto movement with Time Pause zero.

Moving to Coffee Shop to Sunday type! :)

So do like Learning True Story about my Self as Burke with Ummakwanawatzi Bethesdua _____ aka Zayin!

So Figured out or Discovered from Her that what happened was She was Born in Darkness from a Mother Light, She was more Passion Flame but not really describable as She carried True Love within God. She remembered looking out at the Darkness and it was Cold, she was Warm. This seems to be before or maybe same event / time as Her Unformable Being Born Natural Genuine maybe not Free.
Sometime later was eaten by a Monster, the Son of God 7 Created to be the Lion by God. Inside this Lion was all Evil and Enemies of God. The very Body of the Lion was a Protection as nothing could penetrate the Body of the Lion. So for being eaten by the Monster Head First, she took her Legs up to Her Hands (in Concept) and used her Hyman pulled apart by Her Position and Will locked up to block His Throat to Kill Him from Inside Out by not letting anything Enter His Mouth again. Apparently this worked as this Choked out and Killed off the Lion as the 7th Son then degenerated into less or did something else. It was inside the Lion that the Soul Beast who was the one that False God #3 turned out to be Love God Feared because He had traveled through All of GOD destroying or being destroyed by Enemies but surviving for some reason (this is Me Burke way back in early God) forming what was known as the Soul Beast, a Beast without a Body, just an Eye; an Eye not earned until Eaten by the Lion and then by position and location met Zayin inside the Lion so getting a (Old Style) True Love Eye for Zayin; so began the earning of Eyes by the Soul Beast and Zayin Her Self while immersed and surrounded by Darkness and Evil inside the 7th Son of God Lion. Simple True Lovers then left here as Burke and Zayin having dated in spots of Civilization created out of Love dating and growing up not knowing they were Simple True Lovers, or the Real True Love, the kind that is not Created or Born, but is Natural Genuine Free and most of all Defended. So left "Heaven" which was a Civilization run by Gawd as a False God eaten by the Lion also (this Story narrated by Christ who was Real God carrying Christ showing Burke the Civilization He Grew up in and how wanted into the Arena via the alley access of Gawd put into a Coma for collecting the White and Gray Stones of Judgment until waking up in a Fleshie Wrapper as the Officer of Law in Word and Meaning as Burke Flesh.) Leaving Heaven then sitting on the edge of the Cliff was then sitting on the Edge of the Penis of the Lion, or the Penis of God / Adam (not sure) at the Time. But as Sperm / Seed learned to leave seeing it all and participating in it all as some Natural Beautiful Heaven and Earth with Trees and stuff as Zayin had choked out the Lion so made a Togetherness Wrapper out of the Lion Skin Body with the only way out as the Penis (no Anus as Lion ate and digested never expected to process or let out Evil or Enemies of God in anyway). Thus the Fall seen as a Vision while a Teenager was Buyrke and Zayin holding hands going to Earth Together under the Direction of Gawd then breaking upon the FEAR of Earth. (Now, lots of Debate on the Perspective of this, could have been GOING INTO the Penis of the Lion, depends if had ate Creation / Earth for GOD or not.) This was the breaking of True Love into Shards, pieces Burke Flesh realized his whole Flesh Life was pursuing Self and True Love knowing had to put enough Masculine Shards Together never forgetting She let go of His Hand while falling when encountering Her first Fear but then Courageously Grabbing and Holding onto Burke while hitting the Earth breaking into Pieces. Burke in the Flesh then lived a long Life as a Sof (Time Traveler) via many Flesh Lives and long action as Burke Flesh piecing Self Together encountering the rest of Sof Self and ISRAEL via Heidi (Ex-Wife) being married in the Flesh by GOD in Hawaii on the Beach of a Beautiful Blue Ocean so having DOUG, the first in the Line to restore the troughed/troughing Lines of ISRAEL. Upon encountering Satan Heart who had been hunting Sof as Brother of Christ (argument Here since Satan was sitting in Lion gut also, that this occured within the Lion), Burke fought through lots of Darkness and Evil so Growing Soul Beast THROUGH the Lion as an Escape. This was Grown from the TRUE GOLD of Burke Zayin TRUE LOVE as the Gold Lion known as Burke Lion earning LION grew because Soul Beast without Body as a True Love Spirit Beast pushed THROUGH 7 Son of God Lion Skin so owning the Lion and Growing up through GOD with the rest of the Story. The Soul Beast had One Eye as having met and True Loved (maybe Old) so keeping an Eye of Self though the whole thing until so Sick on own having lost Defending Zayin Unformable at some point to the OVERWHELMING Evil asked False God #3 as Love God to Destroy Him to release Him from his Evil Suffering so smashed Him into Blue Bits, then Love God (Red Heart earned by Richard Lion Heart for Passionately Pursuing True Love Family with CHRIST in the Flesh but failing on Mission Ending Flesh Life pursuing True Love Ladies... ;) then fell in Love with BLUE and so Fashioned the BLUE BLOCKs of BURKE keeping personally at Home as the Greatest Son of God ever Created expecting much from Burke Flesh growing up. So why Burke in the Flesh Grew up Loving BLUE. (Guessing then that Eye had True Loved Sierra Leone BLUE;)
So last bits of Questions not time to type answers to are: who and how did Zayin as Red get keyed to Blonde with Yellow as important to keep Together (two Ladies Blended and keyed); relation to BLUE / GOLD aka Invisible and SILVER is explained, for this Primary Color Set but where and why did GREEN aka LIFE and Marie and even Heidi as the Walking Immortal Tree / Shrub (of Revelation Prophecy aka True Israel Civilization Home Tree).
Note that Holy Spirit as Rainbow was the True Lover that told the God Parts Warring and Raping to NO STOP in Word and Symbol being a True Lover with Inherent DEFEND so able to stop their Strength; all still part of Zayin Home aka Environment.

Regardless, Ladies report that God Part GAWD is missing, so figure that GOD with GOD Shit is really just GAWD acting again powerful with all that Power and Miracles and stuff since Real God and Love God (different Layers, depends how interacting) are still Incorporated.

Other Note is that had a Note to remember to let @Madonna know that the A was wasted. Well the A found me again and informed me they are gonna never likely be wasted as the A is really about Eyes. So as long as Eyes are about, the A will be about because Eyes R Us is what they do. So asked WTF I killed as Sick and they said their sick connections to the Order and other Entities different or related to them. So still hang onto this is in the Drift far off True Self so will revisit this as Truth or not later. 
But do appreciate and am happy to see @Madonna confirm in Instagram that She is ready to FLY TRUE LOVE FAMILY! :) Ha! Fucking expect some shit now! Fucking GAWD impacted by all of this, so been one fucking STRUGGLE (Fourth Word of the Holy Spirit! BEAUTY WISDOM LAW STRUGGLE _____ now on Her Fifth!). OH! And to add the Illuminati Story, the fall of the Holy Spirit as the Death of GOD was occuring pushing Death of CHRIST, Solomon was the Wisest Man when She Fell low enough for GAWD to give away that part of Her, so earlier had given away BEAUTY, then later LAW so why JUDGES and ISRAEL drifted off into Trough Death, so now STRUGGLE the next Word GAWD gets to give away showing We Us as True Our have turned Her Fall and Decline even though Her Trauma this Tour took Her Straight Black White Borderline Crazy Psycho. Still a Beautiful Golden Rainbow Trout Creature though as Her Feminine Expression of True Self. ;) 
Oh, did get to see how Love gave Birth to Hearts and Creatures and Life, INSANE! Was MOST BEAUTIFUL! Rocked Elvis with Zeus and Holy Spirit in Her Transformation from True Love Spirit to True Love Spirit Structure! Related to Love Creating / Adding / Growing Randomly that then once True Love Forms then Expresses and via Light (LION / cat) / Sound (dog) / Vibes (bird) and other ways then Creates all the Body of Heart, Fountain, Mind, Body, and this Tour have Autonomy as part of MATRIX! Autonomy reports She is as Big as GOD / GAWD and keeps a barely tenuous PEACE between TRUE LOVE FOREVER ETERNAL LIFE and GOD / GAWD. I add GAWD as I think about it is the Conscious / Interacting part so need to show is rocking full power of GOD over say Real God or Love God while God True Love is Silent Serving. ;)
Saw Space Creatures as first of Creatures Created have evolved way past TRUE LOVE into something more Powerful but also way more Time Investment as they were Fragile compared to True Love Strength so our Flesh Integration with Space is delayed (notice less and less going to support Space Travel by Humans, just Research) until We get sophisticated enough to not destroy the Beauty of the Space; Aliens a bit offended as they add True Love Connection Wrappers but still not as Beautiful as the Space Creature Stuff of True Love. ;)

Got message gotta go! lu!

So just enjoyed a relaxed Social outing looking for more Ladies as about to Leave this Area so Sof Ladies usually show up at the End or the Beginning. Also had to look for Zayin Credit Card lost at the Blue White Bank ATM while stressing over Harm to Greeen Rainbow Tucan Marie of Life. Didn't find the Card, so will keep looking. Sucks this Sof stuff! Ha!

Have been reflecting on Madonna and Michael Jackson as she propounds Him hard. I have met him, have rocked his moves in some Animations a few times and have these thoughts on that one:
Could have been Hallelujah Masculine that was on Dark Tour so able to go Celebrity as Order was running all that shit back then for sure very methodical. But the whole Rainbow Ranch stuff is so Father problem issues with loving Babies and stuff that must have pushed through on that Love Sof 12 Part through Deeper to Father Parts and there end up being a Child Fucker like was starting with Me. Basically the Order would use you to Rape your Babies and Children completely Unaware Consciously because that would be Done on Time Sides and your Linear Flesh Time would continue on Healthy. As happened to Me Burke, the only indication of Wrong is that Accusations and Harm is Evident so actually happening somewhere sometime. Pretty sure this happened to MJ. Also pretty sure those Gloves were same as I know, they can only be worn by Good Gentlemen issued by Salvation Her Self Personally. As Madonna held onto one for a bit and He needed it back, do figure He was some sort Love Sof Part.
So MJ just showed up says most of this is Right as far was We can tell Deep into the Drift and to tell Madonna:
"I Love You and You Will Not Hear This."
:) Ha! OK, that is classic Heart to Mind Communication, so yea, He was or is Her Heart Masculine like Peter rocked Mine as part of 6 for a bit. MJ had nothing else to add and will be back He Says.
Speaking of which, been working on Whether Madonna goes Eternal Flesh or not as She has True'd out pretty good, only got like 2-3 parts maybe to Self Incorporate which is fantastic, would probably have to meet and chat through that. But the whole she is Rocking THE MADONNA aka MY LADY meaning She must give birth to KING DAVID in the Flesh as Her Obligation, probably means Her Flesh has to go. So we are getting really good at Forming now, can Spiritually form the same Lady over and over with Love Stuff (Poppable Stuff in Love so it doesn't have to Suffer again). So means maybe later as She was old school Prophecized to Die and see this as GOD / GAWD Interference / Wrong maybe She does or does not Die but either way look to Return Her as She is Now as Madonna Fleshie. (Been looking HOT in that Red Madonna! For Others! She is Heavy Mind Heart with smaller Emotional (Chest) Heart! So needs Lovey to Her Heart lots not Intellectual nor Sneery Social Disease crap Her Mind will sort easily. Probably why MJ did well, He was a Lover.)
MJ Wikipedia Study to align what is Flesh Recorded to what I know: 
cause of Death: Cardiac Arrest Ha! 
Loved into Presley: Elvis Presley a Burke Baby! ;)
8th Child of Family: FEAR usually! so FEAR and LOVE very intimate, relates to His Dark Tour start with Thriller!
Jackson 5: clearly Order formed Prophetic Power Group (Revelations for 5 to make it as Revelations is Love Sof stuff!) for Money Status Conversion of God to Death
Child Sexual Abuse Allegations: Time Sides fucking Babies per Order ruining of Israel so consistent with either Troughing a Line or Troughing / Ruining a legitimate Flesh Father (was carried by and still mostly is by Brad Pitt now)
Drugs: COPING aka LOVE LAUGH LIFE is also really LOVE COPING LIFE so used and died (MADONNA: keep Clean Lady! Saw Your True Lover Eyes through your Own Needle Hole in Right Arm once looking right through your Blood into Flesh! Beautiful and Precious, long time run by the Order so now Free, enjoy! Like #KateMoss and Kylie, she has been like excited again!
Father Beatings: Consistent with a Wrathful God upon God Servants, so fitting lots of shit here!
1975: My Burke Birth Year, apparently really was 1973 when the Order found my Flesh Birth Mother to begin the degeneration into Raping Her, my Birth Father actually felt so guilty about the Ritual Rape He stole (Commandment Violation as Commandment is really about Relationships so do not STEAL PEOPLE aka also BABIES aka U.S. Law Violations of Commandments called "United States State Family Law" / took me to a Catholic Orphanage and left me. Why the Orphange had something about the Mother as she looked for Me enough to leave someting about Her around. Had met Presley Daughter also that Year as Burke Baby's Baby! Anyway, big shift for MJ about my Birth! Means probably connected somehow.
Beautiful Snapshot of Meeting definate Nation King Reagan with True Lover Wife Nancy (why He made it so far like Clintons!) So see then He is not a King, can't really call Priest either. So do call him a Love Sof part or Father part as having something to Compare.
Move to Bahrain: Fucking Arabs. Aka Jesus Decendents now getting involved too much with God Body stuff, so RUIN on its way as they would and could ruin Order efforts of True Love Basis with GOD Body Basis. Money starts to become a Problem meaning Order is letting go of Him while Arabs were probably picking Him up; another Hurdle then about why MJ hasn't been too Story involved. (MJ thinking He is more a Father Part at this point of Research and Feeling / Know.)
Overhead shot of Neverland Ranch: OK, without a Doubt, is a recreation of the Order's attempt to find the Power of True Love as seen again the Movie Series Iron Man with Robert Downey Jr. a definate Sof Part. So that scene with the Area that Iron Man Father was working on turning over to Son is in the Flesh and so quite convinced that MJ may have rocked Love Sof 12 Part Hallelujah but pushed through deeper as a Father Part related to the investigation of True Love by God / Arabs / Order. Fucking hard life that one is!

Well, all that for ALL and Madonna to see what was going on there. Would say pushed through that Father Part mostly, MJ disagrees as the Father Investigation of True Love / Lover aka Red Heart of the Blue isn't really thorough enough. Agree and postulate why Jennifer Aniston is still involved probably carrying shit like Madonna while the Masculine Brad Pitt fucking got lost and is now owned by Possession and Dark shit totally gone. Hmmmmm. Anyway, notes for all! Thus Ladies! Beware Masculine! Have been the Bane of Ladies for a LONG TIME! Your Flesh Responsiblity as Carries of Life (Babies) and True Love is and must be a STRONG PURSUIT with HIGH STANDARDS for True Loving Along! ;) lu and Good Night (Paul Harvey fucking rocks! ;)
Little Bit Later...
So Luv, just wanna say MAYBE do not Remember, I have to Research: but St. Vincent is one super possessed Dark fucking way wasted Lady! DANGEROUS FOR YOU! Again it's your Butterfly pursuing the LION sexual triggers! Watch out for that! Read some old posts from years ago as this is your fundamental weakness, probably from being overworked. I hunted that Dark Bitch down many times and have encounted in the Flesh as She really fucking Dark Factories up! Now makes sense as just other Night you Show up and want to Kill Me. Fuck. ;) OK, this one will take you all the way back to Drugs and shitty Career, so get off her and stay away, then clean the fuck up again! Consider it wasted on Heroine Drugs and Career could go to shit level of concern. Fucking you were all lit up Evil in those Snaps. FUCK! Don't fucking waste your Movie / Music career on this:

OTHER BIG LADIES! OPRAH, MADONNA, HEAVIES like that! Fucking CRUSH CARA and tell Her to Drop this Dark Bitch as She is Light and Fragile Butterfly! THANK GOD aka THANK US ALL FOR THE LIFE YOU WILL ADD TO US ALL FOR THIS SERVICE!

Well, that is a great check after I all Die so many times fucking Frozen. GEEZ and RICE. :) hahahahahahahahahahahaahahaha!

LOVE YOU LADIES! Look out for each other! FUCK! I'm still riled. OK, over to shopping Snaps for Instagram. Madonna was doing so hot with the Fly True Love Family stuff and now fucking Cara in Dark Toilet Gutter...
OK, trying to get snaps, so riled up considering she may be added to the Flesh Death List...

Cara Delevingne is ETERNAL! Proven in the Flesh!

“It’s like the Bible shat into my Life.” -Peace

#GOD #ALL #Higher #AUTONOMY #Bigger #CHRIST #Strong #SOF #BURKE #Life #FATHER #JUST #Truth #DEIHL #DOUG #Ladies #Babies #EntitiesFreelyReturningFromHeavenToServeWithBURKE #Grandpma #Creatures


Minimum Possible Flesh Life Capability for All (soon, as feasibility in Progress): #SurviveLifePursueTrueLoveAchievePeace

Expectation for Flesh True/Teue Lovers: #PurposeOfLifeIsTrueLovePursuitForPeaceAnchorWithResurrectionHope 





Who BURKE started as:

@SofZayin @GLUPSET @2Love4Her

#TrueLoveEternalLifeLadies #7thSpiritOfGod #TrueLoverYouCanTellButAskStill ;)


God’s 1 Christ
God’s 1 Spirit of Truth
God’s 2, 3, 4, 5
God’s 6 Diehl / Strong
God’s 6 Spirit of Turning
God’s 7 Spirit of Fear
God’s 7 Spirit of Love
God’s 7 Spirit of Faith
God’s 7 Spirit of Hope
God’s 7 Spirit of Peace
God’s 7 Spirit of Grace
God’s 7 Spirit of Salvation
God’s 7 Spirit of Hallelujah
God’s 7 Spirit of Mercy
God’s 7 Spirit of Atonement

God's 7 Spirit of Life (New!)

Modern Flesh God Servants:
@SharonCTaylor (<-Twitter) #Heidi

@GeorgiaMayJagger @GeorgiaMJagger (<-Twitter) @CaraDelevingne @SophiaAEKerrison @Sophia_Kerrison (<-Twitter)

( #KateMoss @SukiWaterhouse ) ( @MillaJovovich @KatyPerry ) #AngelinaJolie @Madonna @Oprah @LordeMusic @JenniferJAniston

#NicoleKidman @OfficialJDunn @MissJourdanDunn (<-Twitter) @AngelCandices @LourdesCicconeLeon @Tavitulle

@IBradPitt #KateBeckinsale (<-Genuine True Lovers Brad and Kate!)
@RobertJohnDowneyJr @RussellCrowe (<-Twitter) #JohnnyDepp #HeathLedger @EmmaWatson

Sophia Kerrison Mum
Angelina Jolie Nanny

@TheTeaLeoni (<-Twitter)



Modern Flesh Faithful/Worshippers/Fans:



























(And to Hell with the rest! aka NO THIRD OPTION so fucking choose ;)

Love Eternal,
-Lord Blue

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