Reasons behind the channel changes

I wanted to write this to clarify a few things and to give thanks. The response to moving to a real variety format has been overwhelmingly positive, though it has yet to be proven for my channel.

First, I want to clarify what variety actually means to me. Variety means not setting limits on what types of games can be played. This means accepting the risk and consequences of playing a game that most people are not interested in and to experience it and share that experience with those that are interested. This doesn't mean that I won't ever play a hype game or a game right at release, it simply means I will only do that if I am really excited about that game releasing. Simply put, I'm not putting arbitrary rules on what can and can't be played or when something can be played, just freeing myself from my previous expectations and moving in a different direction.

Second, I want to lay out what the risk is here. The time tested and proven ways to make money and grow your stream are to main a game for many hours, or to play hype titles as they release. There is nothing wrong with doing either of these things. Personally I do not find most hype titles enjoyable, and playing one title for many hours leads to a sense of complacency which is followed by depression for me. I know this about myself, and while I still love FTL and Isaac it is too easy for me to slip into some sort of mediocre state where I can't find the motivation to do anything else. It must change.

Lastly, thank you! Having decided to take this direction with my channel I feel a huge burden lifted from me. I have a sense of purpose, I know what must be done and the unknown is exciting. It has always been my goal for the channel to provide a friendly, relaxing and non confrontational environment. This goal has been realized and my channel has far exceeded my expectations for what a community can be. It's time for me to set new goals for myself and the content. As said in the announcement, I know this will come at the price of $ but the return is worth so much more. Thanks for those that are supporting me in this change, if it isn't your thing I understand.

Matt a.k.a. LethalFrag

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