
Ron Murphy · @ronmurp

1st Apr 2015 from TwitLonger

#JeSuisCharlie, and #JeSuisTrevor, #trevornoah. I don't have the right not to be offended. So won't be calling for @Trevornoah's head. Even though some of his remarks are aimed at people, not ideas. Offending #Jesus, #Mohammed, #God is offending religious ideas. Offending peoples is tricker - can be racist, or harmless humour, depending on intent, context (black guy telling black jokes v white Klan racist telling black jokes are not the same). It's complicated, and all too often the lazy PC branding of humour, satire, as all racist is just not subtle enough for human complexity. Go for it @Trevornoah. I'd rather have to respond to your offensive remarks that shut you up. #FreeExpression. From a secular humanist atheist.

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