
Joel Apollo · @Joel_Apollo

24th Jul 2015 from TwitLonger

Why is psychology the most complicated; but least certain of all sciences?-READ-

Why is psychology the most complex but most misguided of all sciences?
(This was written on my phone, please excuse formatting)

It's really complicated to pin down; I'll try to give my opinion briefly on why that is.

Let's take two examples...

First example, the khan family from history:

They committed acts of inhumanity through the family tree for generations.

This is to say that, it wasn't just Genghis khan who was a psychopath whom could not help himself.

Instead he was a part of a machine driven to conquer, called the Mongolians (right?) and so this means, it was the society, expectations, power, availability, and so on, all these factors that made it possible for him to commit such inhumane things so often and consistently.

This is to say that, he could of been extremely intelligent, emotionally aware, but still evil, due to his surroundings.

Modern example, you feel you don't care for others like you should and aren't focused, at the age of 10. So they try 5 medicines, until finally get one that yields the behaviors they are looking for, which sort of works for a decade, before tolerance develops and then they start a new guessing game to re-balance you towards their desired behaviors.

In this situation they are trying to alter brain chemicals and personal outlook thro therapy, thus the person’s life better suites the societal construct which largely dictates the individuals goals.

So what all this means is that a person can essentially become anything on the scale of good/bad, given the right; societal pressures, ideologies and drugs.

It's all entirely centered around the ego:

Like oh, you don't have enough self-confidence, or you focus on silly things, or you aren't contributing enough to the group.

It's hard to put word to it, but they always approach it from the perspective of nursing the ego, instead of nursing understanding.

Like oh well with this drug and therapy you will soon think different, work harder, be nicer to people, all because you have mostly overcome that self-hatred.

While all these things are good, they are focused around the ego.

It's also been said that, love is the deep seated need for the ego, and that "gods" do not need love because they have everything, so it's a physical emotion of sort.(can be simulated by drugs)

But even if all that's true or false the idea is that we mostly act and respond for... our egos protection, instead of working towards a more global appreciation for mystery and living in the moment.

Instead we teach, well 70% of the planet have adapted a form of monotheism, and if you just read the good book, and have a basic education then you can make sense of reality and achieve your dreams while compiling a retirement fund so we can end this world comfortably.

I'm not arguing that these are bad things, just rather that most all society focus around the effort to define truth, rather than embrace mystery.

And this embracing of mystery is something which drives science mad, and so we have a higher-archy of theories, mathematics and questions, which lets us rank each science in effectiveness.

So I think quantum physics is the top dog, and psychology is the very bottom of the heap (in terms of accuracy).

But if you think about it, actually makes sense.

We should know more about the simplicity of subatomic particles and their behavior. They are the most simple and basic observations we have ever been able to make. Like knowing the tiniest fragments of a grain of sand, is by definition far far less complex, than say you having a conversation with a co-worker.

For that conversation to take place you need essentially every field of science in place, and functioning as expected to near an understanding of the events experienced by you.

It's kind of counter-intuitive but basic idea... Essentially you talking to someone, is way way more complex than quantum theory (which aims to explain the very basic).

So in that sense, psychology is the most advanced, and complicated of all sciences, and so that's why it's at the bottom of the heap in certainty. It's the most complex.

Many people may be wanting to point out that religion is also not the saving grace, as one person... who may use belief structures to meet their goals, manipulating it to suite their own needs or desires. So a sadistic atheist getting off on someone’s pain could also be a psychotic religion fanatic “doing the lord’s work”. Well to this point I would like to mention that most all modern religious institutions have been crafted by the hands of society, and this alone should NOT debunk the feeling of mystery. Just because religions have committed great evil, does not mean that mystery, human interaction, emotions, feelings, hopes, goals and dreams should all be thrown away, in fact the opposite is true, and so ultimately it is my opinion that humanity will solve this conundrum and come together as a species, and most likely this will be done by a large spread appreciation, use, and love for entheogenic experience (like that of a a series of Ayahuasca ceremonies which i think will prove to be far more beneficial and healing then some basic drug-guess-work and nail-bitting therapy).

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