#Hillary2016 The Exceptional Life Of Hillary Clinton


The smartest, brightest and prettiest American girl next door. She excelled at the acclaimed Wellesl...ey College where was the first student commencement speaker; she was an outstanding student at Yale Law School where she was on the editorial board. She was at Oxford University with Bill Clinton; she was the wife of the Attorney General of Arkansas. She shattered the glass ceiling at one of the most prestigious law firms in the mid-west; she became a "partner;" and, she was repeatedly named as one of the best trial lawyers in the United States. She worked to "impeach" Nixon as a leading member of the impeachment inquiry staff; she worked for Walter Mondale on migratory labor; she worked for George McGovern. Three (3) times she served as the First Lady of the State of Arkansas; two (2) times she served as as the First Lady of the United States where she totally redefined the role of the First Lady. Since 1993 Hillary was, and is, the "driving force" behind the American Healthcare Law -- "The Affordable Care Act" was and it is her "baby;" and, she and nobody else is the "Mother" of that healthcare law -- that healthcare law was "Hillarycare" long before it ever was called "Obamacare." She was duly elected as the U.S. Senator from N.Y. replacing Daniel Moynihan and sitting in Robert Kennedy's "liberal" chair serving two (2) terms as a U.S. Senator in arguably the most respected seat in the U.S. Senate. She was Secretary of State of the United States. She knows, on a personal basis, every significant global leader on the Earth; and, she is "respected" by all of them.

For seventeen (17) consecutive years Hillary Clinton has been voted to be the "most respected woman on the Earth." Hillary Clinton is widely respected as the "global champion" of women's rights and children's rights. More than "any" other person, Hillary Clinton represents the hopes; the dreams; and, the aspirations of not just American women and children -- but more than 7 Billion women and children on and across the Earth. I can recall no one in my lifetime who has a history of service to the causes of women; the causes of children; the causes of migratory labor; and, to the causes of the poor and downtrodden as does and has Hillary Clinton. Outside of Eleanor Roosevelt, no single American woman has ever better exemplified American women nor even holds a candle to the shining bright light of Hillary Clinton and her amazing accomplishments in serving this nation.

No single person in the long history of American politics has withstood the forty (40) year vicious campaign of the never ending onslaught of vitriolic vituperative "hate" as has Hillary; and, Hillary has borne it with grace and dignity which "no" man could or would ever endure.

Only "few" American politicians in the 240 year history of our Republic have "ever" come to the office of the Presidency of the United States with greater academic; legal; executive; legislative; diplomatic; political; and, foreign policy experience and skills than does Hillary Clinton. Few have come to the office with her "leadership" skills. Only General Washington; Thomas Jefferson; and, James Madison come to mind -- no one else with the possible exception of John Adams and Andrew Jackson.

No one, not anyone, not "any" current political candidate in this election, even comes "anywhere" close to Hillary's qualifications; leadership; and, experience requisite for the office of President of the United States. Simply put, compared to Hillary -- her political opponents are nothing more than a pathetic joke on the American people.

I am utterly dumbfounded by the "fact" that there are American women who bizarrely do "not" support Hillary Clinton

Bill Tarzanrock

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