
TALCvids · @TALCvids

11th Sep 2015 from TwitLonger

Love! Compiled tweets from @marisa_965: "I will translate what they're saying in this video because it's amazing.From 0:22. http://globotv.globo.com/rede-globo/rjtv-2a-edicao/t/edicoes/v/queen-ja-esta-na-cidade-para-o-rock-in-rio/4458454/ "
"Visually they have nothing in common."
"The spiked shoes, the ripped pants and the black painted nails of the singer Adam Lambert contrast with the white hair..."
"... and the British elegance of misters Brian May and Roger Taylor."
"But the differences end there. On the press conference, they are totally in tune with each other! (cut to Brian, Roger, and Adam laughing)"

Thanks @marisa_965!

<3 <3 <3

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