Some end of #Hellatus thoughts...

I first met Dean Winchester on June 8, 2009. I remember the exact day because my daughter, 5 at the time, had been admitted to the ICU with a life threatening immune system disease. One of her ICU nurses had been an extra on the show, and since he couldn't leave her side, we binge watched season 3, starting with his episode. Jess was captivated by Dean, and by the time she was released to physical therapy and home care, was telling me every day, "If Dean Winchester can dig himself out of Hell, I can learn to walk again."
I realize 5 years old is a little young for some of the subject matter (don't judge me, she needed it) but she was so taken with the Winchesters, and somehow they gave her strength. In those days, we were grateful for all the encouragement we could get, and I admit, I spent a moment or two (or 86) crying my heart out at this show, learning how to connect again after going through the emotional and physical trauma of her illness with her. Supernatural became a calming influence in our house, and still can be found playing on a dvd or Netflix, or tablet, in some room, somewhere daily.
To my immense surprise and relief, I soon discovered that the actors and crew involved with this show weren't just adorable, sexy, and dangerous, they were kind, community conscious individuals who used ther success to leave behind a better place. What?!?! People actually do this?? And they go to conventions and let us hug them?? Needless to say, we became addicted to the fandom as well as the show. As it turned out, a blessing in disguise.
Jessica's illness had taken its toll on the family. My husband (now ex) was dealing with alcoholism and violence. I was angry and detached. Our children were floundering. The people I spoke to online every day, strangers I had never met, knew we were struggling, and opened their arms and reached out to us, lifting us up when we were weak, and carrying us through our rough patches. Somehow, this common interest had brought all these angels on earth into our lives. People say the SPN fandom is "lightning in a bottle" and we've been riding that rocket for a long time. I don't know where we'd be without them, and I'm pretty sure I owe them my life.
I've seen every episode at least a dozen times, and every time there's something new. A theory that might or might not play out, an inside joke I didn't get until I went to a convention. And the 4th wall?? Demolished. Supernatural loves to make its audience think, and boy, do they give us juicy material! The chemistry between Jensen and Jared is almost tangible onscreen, but it's literally breathtaking in person. You feel the connection between them, the brotherhood, and if you ever wondered why this show has been so successful (longest running Sci-fi show in the U.S....suck it, Tom Welling 😉) it only takes a minute in a convention panel or photo-op to understand: these two care about each other, and they care about us. So no matter where this show goes, or how awful an episode is (Hello, Bloodlines...) I will follow. Call it dedicated, call it an addiction, I don't care. I call them family, and I bleed Winchester blood. I hurt when they hurt, I cry when they cry. And my kids can name an episode by the motel room decor in 6 seconds flat. Test them, I dare you.
For us, there are no favorite characters, they're all brotherhood. On screen and off. When Rachel Miner revealed her MS diagnosis, my daughter sent her a card explaining how she knew what it felt like, and Rachel sent her a message, seeming genuinely touched and inspired. When my car broke down and we needed rides to the children's hospital for my daughters treatments, someone contacted Travis Aaron Wade's Trut4h foundation, and they paid off my vehicle. When we were there at Dallascon at the Louden Swain concert surrounded by our SPNfamily singing "A Little Help from my Friends" and everyone was sobbing because it's true. Nothing in the world can compare to the heart of this fandom and these actors and crew. Dedicated. Genuine. Precious.
This is our show. These are our family. And in two days, the Darkness comes, Hellatus is over, and we do it all again, for them, because they do it for us. --❤️ Misty

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