Islam Is A Political Entity

"3. It is also necessary because the forces hostile to Islam intend to declare – in fact,have already declared – a psychological war against the Muslims to make them lose hope for a better tomorrow and faith in a brighter future. Furious campaigns have flared, motivated by fevered hearts, led by hired pens and subjugated spokesmen that condemn, blemish and distort all that is Islamic, accusing the preachers of Islam and
the offspring of the Islamic arousal of extremism and violence sometimes, terrorism at other times, and fundamentalism time and again. Detractors named the movement for an integrated Islam “Political Islam” because it called for beliefs to be in league with the shari‘ah [Islamic Law], and religion to be in league with the state. IN FACT, TRUE ISLAM IS ESSENTIALLY POLITICAL." (Caps, BIP)
Author: Doctor Yûsuf Al-Qaradâwy
Book: Auspices Of The Ultimate Victory Auspices Of The Ultimate Victory
Of Islam

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