
Ron Murphy · @ronmurp

28th Nov 2015 from TwitLonger

.@BBCtrending "Let Muslims talk about what it means to prostrate.."? No. Let's talk about death for apostasy first. When ex-Muslims are #ExMuslimsBecause they are free to be ex-Muslims without any admonition whatsoever, let alone persecution, death, then feel free to talk about why you submit. Why do you get to decide the agenda while ex-Muslims are persecuted for their decisions?

"on both sides let's tone down the vitriol" Seriously? Both sides? You're comparing "#ExMuslimBecause", as vitriolic, with how ex-Muslims are persecuted? Seriously?

Peaceful Muslims are sometimes persecuted in the west. But it doesn't come close to how ex-Muslims, sex-positive women, atheists bloggers in Bangladesh, ..., are treated under Islam.

And the timing complaint? There's never a good time to declare your apostasy. In some places it can be lethal.

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