Some #biracials are in race flight... #blacktwitter #mixedrace

The new biracials, some of whom are in race flight, have redefined light skinned Diasporans because they want to be distinguished from dark *Diasporans, but are having difficulty because, many Diasporans are light, so they renamed them. Leaving out their darker siblings, sometimes twin because, it's not about who you are DNA-wise, it's about who you are color-wise. Do you really think that Beyonce and Solange Knowles got their skin color from their light skinned mother only? Probably not. It's more likely their father carries similar genes

I have a friend who is very pale with light hair, and her two sisters are the same, but her brother is brown-skin with black hair.

Another friends is pale, with blue eyes and blonde hair, and her two siblings are the same. However, she also has three sisters who are brown, with black hair, and brown eyes, and both of her parents are brown but clearly, both of her parents carry the genes for light eyes, light hair, and light skin...

Finally, I have a pale friend who has twin siblings. The boy is pale, blonde and blue eyed; the girl is brown, black hair, brown eyes...

According to the renaming process, one twin is in, the other twin is out...

The advent of the new bi-racial, namely, people of African descent, raised by whites, who are trying to define themselves out of the Diasporan group, are frustrated because it is impossible since, no matter what you're called, people are going to respond to what they see, and what they know, and as one on-line racist put it, "how much shit in milk does it take, to make the milk unacceptable," which brings us to what the one-drop rule really means - African blood is contaminating... And we have a perfect example of the stubborn, and irrational nature of racism, in the treatment of our excellent President, who is inundated with "doesn't understand" "weak" "cannot comprehend," "isn't American," as he takes us out of wars, gives us insurance, saves the automobile industry, takes us to Mars, ends our oil dependency, consistently increases jobs, brings the world together to prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons, and again, to save the environment...

Racist didn't need a one drop rule "to create more enslaved people," they already had the definition of slave settled. If your mother was one, so were you. Some laws went so far, in an effort to keep Diasporans isolated until, they declared the free Diasporan children of white men would be made slaves, which, was code for a warning, if you love them, you better not be holding hands, and making public displays of affection for black women and brown children because, if you do, we will take them from you...

Nor were biracials pressured by Diasporans to withhold their white lineage,it was the inspiration of whites who, like Strong Thurman, told the mother of HIS child, "YOU have a lovely daughter." Or the friend Halle Berry carefully informed that her father was black and her mother white, showing their pictures, only to have the girl declare, "she's not you're mother!" Or the brown skin participant on a talk show who said he was half-white, only to have a white participant, immediately call him black! Finally, it is the product of racist who concluded, that black and white are different species, whose offspring, like the mule, which is the product of the donkey and the horse, would be impotent, hence the term mulatto, meaning, mule-like...

Every person of African descent has the burden of embracing their Africanness, with all the attendant pain and indignity, in order to fully appreciate their human value.

When I embarked upon the study of racism, I agreed with God, to accept the inferiority of Africans, and the their descendants, if my studies and observations revealed it. Almost immediate to that concession, came the revelation, people do not abuse their inferiors, because they are inferior, consequently, racial abuse is for some other purpose. I concluded that racial abuse is to put pressure on Diasporans to present as inferior because, the identity of racist, has come to depend on that idea... Including racist police, who occupy the Diasporan community, to subjugate and terrorize the occupants.

When the new biracials assert that light skinned Diasporans are like them, they ignore our history, and they attempt to make color all defining, reinforcing the color hierarchy that has scarred them, and that is tearing this country apart. Diasporans are not an ethnicity, nor are we a race, we are possibly the most intense amalgam of human genes, in human history.

My 15-month-old granddaughter is bi-racial, and this Christmas I will present her with a lovely doll, that is brown-skin and male. I did it because I know that in time, she will be discouraged from loving people who have dark skin and, people who are male. Quiet as it is kept, men have their oppression too. Primarily in the form of a culture that demands their strength, at the expense of their heart. I know this is not PC, but I think that is why some men want to be women...

I want my granddaughter to recognize that the heart of a man is like the heart of a woman, and dark skin, like light skin, is lovely...

*Diasporan: A descendant of a survivor of the African diaspora

Racism as color hierarchy