
Ron Murphy · @ronmurp

10th Feb 2016 from TwitLonger

.@AbbyMartin: Maajid's 'whole' life story is fabricated?
@JanksTheMan: 'all' Ayaan's events that led to becoming a reformist are lies?

This is how #regressives play the game. It's bullshit rhetoric intended to inflame. This is the sort of crap that is used to turn a Dawkins statement "not all feminist" into "ALL feminist". Or Harris hates ALL Muslims, or he's even racist, when it's clear that's nonsense.

But when Maajid calls out the claim? "The article doesn't accuse you of lying about being in prison, just other things you shill about."

Is this how it goes? Oh, I didn't mean X, .. but everything else, sure. What, Y? Oh, I don't mean Y, .. but everything else, sure.

From the article: "Former associates of Nawaz describe him as an unabashed fanatic during his long stint inside HT, **just as he painted himself**."

What next Abby? Oh, I didn't mean that either. But everything else .. the 'whole' life story is fabricated ... except the bits you show me are not.

Utterly reprehensible from someone that's supposed to be presenting truth, who is making waves for journalistic integrity in calling out Russia?

It's a lot easier to tweet that Maajid's 'whole' life story is fabricated rather than back that up. It's easier to say, oh, not that bit, when challenged.

Sloppy. Very sloppy. So sloppy, from a journalist, it looks like intentional deceit to fit an agenda. Ironic, given the accusation of lies.


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