
நீமோ · @iamerk

22nd Feb 2016 from TwitLonger

Visually Impaired Person #VIP tag

1. What medical condition caused you to be blind or visually impaired?
Retinitis Pigmentosa... That's more than enough to keep me down

2. In 3 words, describe your vision.
Sparkling(yeah. it is..), Dynamic, Unexplainable

3. What is the hardest thing to do being blind or visually impaired?
In general, being independent. This is improved by practice though.
In specific, I find socialising is the hardest. I feel being more informative and knowing about myself can overcome this.

4. What is the best part about being blind or visually impaired?
i don't think i can be as open minded as now if not for this RP. Other than this, i find Cognitive mapping a fun part.

5. What question do you get asked most about or because of your vision?
You don't look blind!!? (yeah.. i'm faking, that's my hobby)
Why can't you see even with the glasses on!? (I think you chose to skip reading about eyes in school)

6. Do you have a cane, a guide dog, or neither?
NO. not as of now..

7. What one piece of advice would you give to someone who is losing, going to lose, or has lost their vision?
Welcome to the club. Lets practice kicking something on our way.
Some altered genes doesn't make you any less to anyone.

8. What is one piece of advice you would you give to a sighted person about interacting with a person who is blind or visually impaired?
Ask before you do something that you believe as a help.
Try to empathise. Don't ever patronise.

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