
Brian Gorie · @briangorie

23rd Aug 2016 from TwitLonger

With the sad news of the passing of Denny has me thinking of the past, the present and the future.

The 1st wrestling school I ever went to check out when I was trying to break in was Denny's. He had his school at ICP's warehouse.
My friend Randy & me showed up and tons of ICP employees were there outside with baseball bats mad that somebody stole their cage or some weirdness. That was my first introduction to a wrestling school and ICP. To my knowledge, there was no more wrestling school after that. Weirdly, a year or two later...I formed Juggalo Championshit Wrestling with ICP. Small world.

Denny was on the 1st event I ever attended promoted by Gary Woronchak. If he hadn't promoted Sabu vs Terry Funk on April 9 1994, there's no BG. At the same time, Malcolm Monroe Sr was busy with Midwest Championship Wrestling. Without Malcolm Sr., there's no DBA.

When I met Gary, I was a child. THESE DAYS, DBA and me run Detroit. We're the longest running promotion in Detroit history. All because of the past and the future we help create.

This business we all have in our blood; it creates a fraternity of sorts that includes old guys like Gary and Sweet Daddy (RIP) to the middle of DBA & ME to the kids fresh out of @TruthMartini's school like Ren Jones, Xavier Walker & Jay Maynard I'm proud to have a hand in on training.

I take great pride in Detroit Wrestling and it's growth. Thank you Dennis Kasprowicz. Denny was the epitome of a real wrestler and mentor who helped the youth and he should be properly recognized in that light for all the help and guidance he provided. That's the type of man I strive to be. The guy everyone enjoyed and respected.

RIP Denny Kass. Your reach goes longer than you ever imagined. God Bless.

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