
howey_d · @howey_d

29th Aug 2016 from TwitLonger

@FLGovScott @PamBondi @adamputnam @ACLUFL @smaxwell27 @MurphThinks @TDOnline @RepDeSantis @WhiteHouse @FLOTUS In accordance with Paragraph 4G of the Florida Rules of Executive Clemency (4. CLEMENCY
The Governor has the unfettered discretion to deny clemency at any time, for any reason. The
Governor, with the approval of at least two members of the Clemency Board, has the unfettered
discretion to grant, at any time, for any reason, the following forms of clemency:

G. G. Restoration of Civil Rights in Florida
The Restoration of Civil Rights restores to an applicant all of the rights of citizenship in the State
of Florida enjoyed before the felony conviction, except the specific authority to own, possess, or use
firearms. Such restoration shall not relieve an applicant from the registration and notification
requirements or any other obligations and restrictions imposed by law upon sexual predators or sexual
offenders. )

I am requesting that the Board of Executive Clemency meet at the earliest possible date to grant restoration of my civil rights in order to allow me to have a voice in the upcoming elections.

If you can do it for a convicted murderer (Bruce Duncan - who committed his crime a scant two months before I submitted my application for Restoration of Civil Rights), you can do it for a disabled veteran who wrote two bad checks 34 years ago totalling $162. and

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