
Haeda · @0125_

26th Feb 2017 from TwitLonger

2PM's apology on stage

TY: Um... So they'll let you know in further time. (I think regarding refund) We are terribly sorry that we have to end our concert here due to an unforeseen accident.
Fans: No, that's OK.....
TY: Um... So there will be people who saw it up close and those who saw it from far but I hope you will all pray for Minjun. We're deeply sorry. (2PM bows, fans clap and send encouragement)
JH: Um, I'm not the right person to say this as it wasn't me who got injured but I'm sure Minjun hyung will be alright like we all hope for. So we should all calm ourselves and I'm very, very... Of course I'm so worried but I hope you don't feel... I don't know what I'm saying but you all need to stay strong for Minjun's fast recovery. Please just remember that and send him lots of encouragement. Thank you everyone and we're so sorry.
TY: Thank you all and we'll come back soon. This was 2PM. Thank you.

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