
George Ayittey · @ayittey

26th Apr 2017 from TwitLonger

Most of slaves sold by African chiefs were WAR CAPTIVES (other tribesmen). Even a fool can tell that war captives were not the chief’s kinsmen. Yoruba chiefs sold Ekem slaves and vice versa but the Ekem were not the Youba chiefs’ people. Unfortunately the Europeans never made this distinction. As far as they were concerned, it was a black African chief selling off the African slaves. Therefore African chiefs with seven of their own kinsmen. Nonsense. In medieval Europe the French and the Germans enslaved one another. Why don’t we hear the statement that the Europeans were enslaving their own kinsmen? ‏ @DjukaMatauri @JoLekkaDing @AndreGrossZA @TonySantanaZA @tokolosh1961 @PaulUchegbu

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