This blind date seems to have completely blown up and I would like to set the record straight on a couple of comments that have been misrepresented.

Firstly, I would like to point out that this article was written in bad faith. The friend that set me up on the date (who knew people working for the Courier) has recently told me that the date was actually set up as an "anti-date" as our profiles were completely doomed from the get go, and was set up to get a controversial story (which has clearly worked).

I also find it interesting that the Courier trawled my Facebook profile to find a three year old picture of me dressing up to go to my grandma's 90th birthday to support their narrative that I am a "women-hating tory". I did not supply that picture.

From the start of the date I asked Sophia what she wrote in her profile because I was interested to see what we had been matched on which she simply replied with - "no tories". To this I raised my eyebrows because I found it strange that someone would completely write off another person based on their political beliefs. I think she noticed this and asked me if I was a Tory to which I responded that my beliefs were more right of centre than left, but I find it hard to support any party in the current political climate.

The quote in the newspaper "He called feminism "toxic" which allowed women to behave as "slags"" is completely untrue as I did not say this. In fact, I specifically remember saying to Sophia that I believe in equality of the sexes. We were talking about feminism and I was making the point that I don't believe the feminist movement is the same as it was 100 years ago and nowadays it can have quite a toxic image.

It was clear that the date didn't go well and we weren't compatible, however I sent her a message in the morning saying I had a nice time and I hope she didn't find it too awful. I also decided to write my answers to the Courier with a positive spin as it was just supposed to be a bit of fun. I would not wish her to be subject to the vilification that I have received.

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