@McDonalds - Open letter to McDonalds Management in The Netherlands

Dear Management Team at McDonalds The Netherlands,

As someone who included the McDonalds restaurant in Best on an overseas itinerary specifically to see the Michael Jackson HIStory statue a couple of years ago, I was dismayed and disappointed to hear that the statue has been removed against the wishes of the local owner.

Many fans visit this site simply because of the statue. It is not necessary to drive for miles (from Dusseldorf in the case of myself and my friends) just to go to a McDonalds. But the one in Best was special simply BECAUSE Michael’s statue was there. It was a place of pilgrimage for fans from near and far, including myself (from Australia) and my travel companions (from Hong Kong and Canada).

To have taken this action is tantamount to judging Michael Jackson guilty of alleged crimes on the basis of a made-for-TV film which has been widely rebutted and shown to be full of lies and inconsistences. It is also the subject of a petition to the US federal court by the Michael Jackson Estate who have challenged HBO to public arbitration to expose the fact that the film is nothing but a quest to make money at the expense of Michael Jackson’s legacy and the wellbeing of his family.

The fact remains that Michael Jackson was never found guilty of any such heinous crimes in a court of law while he was alive. And NO EVIDENCE has since been presented to suggest anything different. The many inconsistencies in the testimonies presented in various forums at different times by his current accusors highlight the unreliable nature of their stories - as was already noted by the judge in their failed civil suit in 2014-2016 against the Michael Jackson companies.

Acting as if a person is guilty despite a complete lack of evidence is an alarming trend that will do little to help real victims of abuse and other crimes. If anything, it will make their claims subject to even greater scrutiny when they should receive our sympathy. But all claims made against anyone should, regardless of how devastating the claims are, be the subject of intense investigation, to ensure an injustice is not committed on an innocent person. This is something EVERYONE deserves, surely, living or deceased.

Can you please confirm that when the Leaving Neverland film is finally exposed as the fraud we know it to be, whether the statue will be returned to its former pride of place at the McDonalds in Best? Myself and other MJ fans would like to know this. It will determine any forthcoming plans we had to visit the site.

Thank you,

Kerry Hennigan
[copy of email sent 2 Apl 2019]

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