
Fellow Bernie Supporters,

Mike Figueredo and others make the argument that we the Bernie Supporters have leverage as dissenting voices within the Democratic Party regardless of who the nominee is. https://youtu.be/KlVtIKwM-KM

Krystal Ball too has repeated that candidates have to earn our vote. Both Krystal and Mike make excellent points, however, they stop short of taking the next logical step. That is, we the Bernie supporters can and should form a voting Bloc. We must unionize. If basically half of the democratic party stands united we have immense power, to their points.

The democratic primary is not yet over. Exit polls are showing that the majority of voters who are voting for Biden are overwhelmingly in support of Bernie’s policies. So if Biden becomes the Democratic Candidate here’s what we should do:

1. We form a voting Bloc, #TheBernieBloc

2. We formally let our demands be known to Biden and the DNC.

A. We shall demand the immediate enactment of the Green New Deal, anything less will be disastrous for the planet and humanity.
B. We shall demand that a single-payer health care system be proposed and presented to congress.
C. We shall demand that the pharmaceutical industry provide prescription drugs at the same prices the rest of the world is paying for them.
D. Fill in the blank, whatever the consensus demands are, we shall demand those.

3. We state clearly, loudly, and publicly that Biden must sign a document clearly adhering to our demands before the convention.

4. If he does not acquiesce to all our our demands in their entirety then we as a voting Bloc shall decide who we will vote for, making it abundantly clear that it will not be Joe Biden.

Please share this idea with your friends/listeners. This is the power we have. Time is of the essence.

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