
cluxcy · @cluxcy

16th May 2020 from TwitLonger

quit. ✌🏽

I honestly never thought I was ever going to say this, but this is the time where I quit. Theirs a possibility I will come back but I hope not, remember that cluxcy loves each and everyone of you supporters who was here along my journey!

thanks for all the people who never switched up on me and played the role of an amazing friend and feel free to always dm me I will always hop on twitter and see some of the dms but won’t be touching this app as much as all you expect, it was an amazing journey running path having ups and downs and over coming it and then all this, nice talk guys.

I wanted to state that ever since I joined this community no one ever wanted me in this and I fought threw it and tried my hardest to get back on my feet each and everytime, but now it’s time to say good-bye!


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