
buff · @BuffDaddyHD

18th Jun 2020 from TwitLonger

Taking a break ✌️

Hey y'all

I'm taking a break from social media/the internet. I don't know how long I'll be away. Life has become incredibly stressful and busy. Right now, I feel this is the best thing for me. My mental/physical health aren't in the best place and I've got to focus on repairing myself before it's "too late." (AKA I become too jaded to do or care about anything except simply existing.) I am sick and tired of feeling the way I do, putting too much effort and energy into people/things that aren't nearly as important as what's going on in the world right now. I want to be better, and I've been thinking about this for quite some time and after much deliberating I think this is the route I need to take. I, of course, will still be editing full time and I will be reading all the comments on the channels I currently edit for. I love constructive criticism, so please direct your feedback there and I promise it'll be seen. I really do love my job and the joy I can help bring to so many people every single day, it really is a blessing. Thank you. The only ways of contacting me will be my Discord and e-mail. For any close friends of mine that may be reading this, please hit me up there if you need me. I'm alright, please cease any worrying. Until I talk to you again!


pls click: https://bit.ly/37Pw3LP

And please for the love of god, keep fighting.

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