
nacchann · @jjnacchann

20th Jul 2020 from TwitLonger

Japanese fan coalition statemet🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻

Nikkan Gendai, a Japanese tabloid, carried an article written by a self-claimed Korean watcher which defames Yuchun with the extremely vulgar language based on distorted disinformation by forcibly relating Yuchun to a Japanese celebrity who was recently found to have made illicit affairs..

Therefore, Park Yuchun Japanese Fan Coalition issued the statement to express our sense of protest.

Here is a summary.

We want everyone to make statements or write/carry articles in ways that are fair and respect human rights.

Please listen to his words without your distorted bias, and pay careful attention to words and expressions when you write about him.

Please do not use his former group name(s) with with ill intentions in disgraceful manners which result in unfair bashing toward Yuchun. We feel very sad and upset about this.

Slanders like this also against him also represent those against his fans.

We will remain vocal whenever we find such disgracing articles, writing or coverage about Park Yuchun to protect him and his and his fans’ activities.

We sincerely wish a world where people’s lives and futures to be protected from malicious words.

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