Read this and RT Ty 🥰

There was a story I heard a while ago, unfortunately I can't find the audio video of it but it just emphasises on how much you should not judge another person.

To summarise the story, there is a Muslim man, great beard, thobe, etc, (just picture Mufti Menk lmao) and he is going to an Islamic speech conference thing (like the speeches Mufti Menk does 😂). So he gets to his seat and sees a girl who is dressed as a Muslim should not be. She is wearing short shorts, a tight top, skin very exposed etc. He goes up to her and starts arguing with her, "what is she doing here" "she is being disrespectful" "get out you don't belong here" etc etc. So she disappears and the conference starts. It goes on, they talk about whatever the topic was. And then at the end. The speaker says there is a special announcement. That same girl walks into stage, everyone is obviously shocked and some people get angry. Then, she says her Shahada. She is there to revert alhamdulilah. The guy telling her to leave and get out because she doesn't belong there goes red with embarrassment because why? He judged her before he knew her story and didn't let her speak up.

Moral of the story, don't judge someone like an arrogant idiot because like this case, alhamdulilah Islam took in another sister. If it was someone else, they may have disappeared and decided, "well if this is what Islam is, I don't want to be apart of it because of how judgemental and rude they are"

Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk. Peace ✌️

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